It's over..and it feels so good:X:X:X..
urasc sesiunea.Imi provoaca insomnii.cred ca cele mai frumoase amintiri pe care o sa le am cand am sa fiu mai mare;)) legate de prima mea sesiune o sa fie cele cu el asteptandu-ma langa scari , gata sa ma certe ca iar am intarziat...ATAT!
Astept cu o oarecare nerabdare celelalte rezultate.Si daca toate planurile mele o sa se realizeze asa cum vreau eu am sa pot sa spun ca in sfarsit m-am coordonat bine.Atat de bine incat in vine sa ma pup si sa-mi spun ca sunt mandra de mine.
Si as vrea sa am niste cuvinte mai interesante de impartasit asa ca dupa sesiune , insa nu pot sa ma concentrez prea tare.Sunt obosita , am nivelul de cofeina peste cota normala in sange , plus cativa fluturasi in stomacmelodia zilei:Those Sweet Words-Norah Jones
urasc sesiunea.Imi provoaca insomnii.cred ca cele mai frumoase amintiri pe care o sa le am cand am sa fiu mai mare;)) legate de prima mea sesiune o sa fie cele cu el asteptandu-ma langa scari , gata sa ma certe ca iar am intarziat...ATAT!
Astept cu o oarecare nerabdare celelalte rezultate.Si daca toate planurile mele o sa se realizeze asa cum vreau eu am sa pot sa spun ca in sfarsit m-am coordonat bine.Atat de bine incat in vine sa ma pup si sa-mi spun ca sunt mandra de mine.
Si as vrea sa am niste cuvinte mai interesante de impartasit asa ca dupa sesiune , insa nu pot sa ma concentrez prea tare.Sunt obosita , am nivelul de cofeina peste cota normala in sange , plus cativa fluturasi in stomacmelodia zilei:Those Sweet Words-Norah Jones

"What did you say
I know I saw you singing
My ears won't stop ringing
Long enough to hear
Those sweet words
What did you say...?
End of the day
The hour hand has spun
Before the night is done
I just have to hear
Those sweet words
Spoken like a melody..
All your love
Is a lost balloon
Rising up through the afternoon
'Til it could fit on the head of a pin
Come on in
Did you have a hard time sleeping
'Cause a heavy moon was keeping me awake
And all I know is I'm just glad to see you again.
See my love
Like a lost balloon
Rising up through the afternoon
And then you appear.."
I know I saw you singing
My ears won't stop ringing
Long enough to hear
Those sweet words
What did you say...?
End of the day
The hour hand has spun
Before the night is done
I just have to hear
Those sweet words
Spoken like a melody..
All your love
Is a lost balloon
Rising up through the afternoon
'Til it could fit on the head of a pin
Come on in
Did you have a hard time sleeping
'Cause a heavy moon was keeping me awake
And all I know is I'm just glad to see you again.
See my love
Like a lost balloon
Rising up through the afternoon
And then you appear.."
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